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I had a busy schedule last week.

airport okinawa.png







Today I returned from a short trip to Okinawa! Sadly, I didn’t read about the history of this island but going there taught me a lot. It seems a little different to me compared to the other prefectures in Japan. Every city I went to has a special ambiance to it which is great. I love variation and I hate sticking to one thing or one place the whole time. So I believe this trip was more than a success.


During that time I carried my sketchbook with me and drew when I was in the airport and even when I boarded the plane. I didn’t take my copics with me for I know I’d create a mess. And having to carry all of my markers with me is a whole different story.

So, as I was drawing one of the passing-by flight attendant noticed my drawings and she liked them! I was truly happy that she recognized my work. I hope that the world will recognize my work one day too. And it’s a good feeling to see others liking and giving their feedback on my illustrations. So I’ll continue sketching and sharing my work as I always do.

What did I do in Okinawa?

My family and I reached Okinawa during lunch time. After checking in and dropping our luggage we went around searching for a restaurant. We had a map with restaurants marked on them so we went to a random one and we landed at a steak and burger restaurant. At first, I saw the selections they had on their menu and it was ok. I got worried about my choice of a burger steak, spaghetti with meat sauce, and white rice as a side dish. I wasn’t sure what I was worried about but when trying something new it’s normal to feel that way. However, the burger was absolutely delicious! I truly loved my meal and if I ever went to Okinawa again I’d definitely pay them a visit! The name of the restaurant is Jack’s Steak House and it’s not too far from Naha’s monorail.


The day after, we visited the Shuri Castle and The Former Japanese Navy Underground Headquarters. Both places were worth visiting. I covered up everything in my snapchat: Artistakw. Unfortunately, all pictures are gone for they passed the 24 hours.

So in short, it was a great journey.

Instagram: Anwaar.Saleh

Twitter: Anwaar_Saleh

Snapchat: Artistakw